Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Health Benefits Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Medical advantages - Essay Example Furthermore, this paper diagrams a structure of a results estimation procedure and an arrangement for my association to use to survey the nature of mind and decrease chance. As indicated by Beattie (2014), one of the approaches to assess nature of care offered to my workers by my medical advantages temporary worker includes surveying social insurance forms. Basically, there are rules, rules, and measures that should be followed in arrangement of care. For example, a doctor or human services gave should treat a patients clinical records with most extreme privacy. Accordingly, a doctor should think about the sentiments of patient and also regard their choice concerning care (Kleinman and Dougherty, 2013). Hence, I would request that my workers evaluate whether every one of these components were considered in the consideration gave by the human services benefits temporary worker. Also, I would assess the nature of care by examining whether the expected results or results were accomplished (Beattie, 2014). All human services administrations are expected to improve the general wellbeing status of a patient. Accomplishment of anticipated outcomes according to mind means the way that the administrations gave were of high caliber. Poor administrations are probably not going to accomplish the proposed results. For achievement of anticipated or anticipated results, it is of criticalness to structure a results estimation methodology or an arrangement to use to survey the nature of care. In explanation, the structure would incorporate execution of activity intends to thoroughly analyze results of clinical procedures inside my association with different undifferentiated from associations (Nash and Goldfarb, 2006). Such correlation would help recognize zones of shortcomings and at last lead to progress of administrations. It is anyway important that wellbeing results are affected by various variables. Patients can be separated into bunches, for example, as far as the sicknesses they are experiencing and age gatherings. This would

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Lord Of The Rings Essays - The Lord Of The Rings, Action Heroes

Ruler Of The Rings J. R. R. Tolkien - The Lord Of The Rings. (3/4) Section 1: The Fellowship of the Ring Section 2: The Two Towers Section 3: The Return of the King THE RETURN OF THE KING Book V Part 1 Minas Tirith Part 2 The Passing of the Gray Company Part 3 The Muster of Rohan Part 4 The Siege of Gondor Part 5 The Ride of the Rohirrim Part 6 The Battle of the Pelennor Fields Part 7 The Pyre of Denethor Part 8 The Houses of Healing Part 9 The Last Debate Part 10 The Black Gate Opens Book VI Part 1 The Tower of Cirith Ungol Part 2 The Land of Shadow Part 3 Mount Doom Part 4 The Field of Cormallen Part 5 The Steward and the King Section 6 Many Partings Part 7 Homeward Bound Part 8 The Scouring of the Shire Part 9 The Gray Havens - - - THE RETURN OF THE KING Pippin watched out from the safe house of Gandalf's shroud. He thought about whether he was conscious or as yet resting, still in the quick moving dream in which he had been wrapped for such a long time since the extraordinary ride started. The dull world was hurrying by and the breeze sang boisterously in his ears. He could see only the wheeling stars, and away to his privilege immense shadows against the sky where the mountains of the South walked past. Drowsily he attempted to figure the occasions and phases of their excursion, yet his memory was lazy and unsure. There had been the principal ride at horrible speed without a stop, and afterward in the day break he had seen a pale glimmer of gold, and they had gone to the quiet town and the incredible void house on the slope. Also, barely had they arrived at its asylum when the winged shadow had ignored indeed, and men withered with dread. However, Gandalf had spoken delicate words to him, and he had rested in a corner, tired yet uncomfortable, faintly mindful of comings and goings and of men talking and Gandalf providing orders. And afterward again riding, riding in the night. This was the second, no, the third night since he had glanced in the Stone. What's more, with that ghastly memory he woke completely, and shuddered, and the commotion of the breeze got loaded up with threatening voices. A light aroused in the sky, a blast of yellow fire behind dull obstructions Pippin groveled back, apprehensive for a second, pondering into what terrifying nation Gandalf was bearing him. He scoured his eyes, and afterward he saw that it was the moon transcending the eastern shadows, presently nearly at the full. So the night was not yet old and for a considerable length of time the dim excursion would go on. He blended and talked. 'Where are we, Gandalf?' he inquired. 'In the domain of Gondor,' the wizard replied. 'The place where there is An?rien is as yet cruising by.' There was a quiet again for some time. At that point, 'What is that?' cried Pippin out of nowhere, grasping at Gandalf's shroud. 'Look! Fire, red fire! Are there mythical serpents in this land? See, there is another!' For answer Gandalf cried so anyone might hear to his pony. 'On, Shadowfax! We should hurry. Time is short. See! The signals of Gondor are land, calling for help. War is ignited. It's obvious, there is the fire on Amon D?n, and fire on Eilenach; and there they go speeding west: Nardol, Erelas, Min-Rimmon, Calenhad, and the Halifirien on the fringes of Rohan.' Be that as it may, Shadowfax stopped in his step, easing back to a walk, and afterward he lifted up his head and neighed. Also, out of the obscurity the noting neigh of different ponies came; and by and by the crashing of feet was heard, and three riders cleared up and passed like flying phantoms in the moon and evaporated into the West. At that point Shadowfax assembled himself and sprang away, and the night streamed over him like a thundering breeze. Pippin became sleepy again and given little consideration to Gandalf letting him know of the traditions of Gondor, and how the Lord of the City had signals based on the highest points of distant slopes along the two fringes of the extraordinary range, and kept up posts at these focuses where new ponies were consistently in availability to tolerate his task riders to Rohan in the North, or to Belfalas in the South. 'It is since a long time ago the reference points of the North were lit,' he said; 'and

Sunday, August 16, 2020


Indiscipline Yo, Ive been getting a lot of questions lately in the comments and I really want to do them all justice, so Im gonna answer them next week, when my minds off finals. That way, I can focus totally on your questions and not on thermodynamic principles running subconsciously through my head. MITs music program is like the fugacity of water in a water-ethanol system near the azeotrope point. And whatnot. But I digress. What have I done this weekend instead of studying for finals, exactly? Well, what Im doing right now is writing a blog entry. Im doing that because I went to see Brokeback Mountain last night, and it was really one of the most profoundly effective movies Ive ever seen. I highly recommend it. I can see how some people might find it to be a little slow, but I personally didnt. What was slow was the several-hundred-person line outside Loews waiting to get into the only theater in Boston showing Brokeback Mountain on its opening night. Thanks to the smooth-as-cookie-dough planning of Carter 07, we were able to get into the theatre with enough time to find some pretty good seats near the back, affording a pretty good view of the action onscreen. I had to hurry to Harvard because I had just got finished Christmas caroling with Moria 06 and company outside of the Prudential Center. We did a really excellent Silent Night, and even recruited some people to sing with us. Anyway, we were standing half a block from the Salvation Army, and they didnt ask us to leave or anything, so I figure we must have been doing alright. I had to hurry to carolling because I just got out of the MITblogs ice cream social at Toscaninis semibohemian faux punk rock creamery. In fact, I was in such a hurry that I missed the ChemE holiday party. I even missed picking up my non-denominational Secret Snowflake present, but that was cool, because what I bought for secret snowflake was not so cool anyway and didnt really deserve a reward. Well, it was cool, but it turns out that going to the Harvard Book Store to buy christmas presents was not such a great idea for me this year. They sell remaindersotherwise perfect books that just happened to fall off the back of the truck or somethingfor about half of the list price, and it turns out that this night they just happened to have remainders of three books that Ive always been looking for, and that the holiday season had put me in a remarkably avaricious mood. So, in addition to Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris, (hey, everybody likes modern American humorists, right? surely it will bring my secret snowflake lots of holiday cheer), I also picked up Slow Learner, the Thomas Pynchon anthology featuring Entropy, the short story that really made me get into Pynchon. A Walt Whitman anthology describing itself as a fully unexpurgated collection that restores the sexual vitality and subversive flair suppressed by Whitman himself in later editions of Leaves of Grass. It reveals that Henry James hated Whitmans poetry, but everybody hates Henry James now. I really love Whitman and want to set his epic When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomd to music (even though Hindemith beat me to that by like 40 years), so Ive been looking for a good anthology for a while now, and one that costs $8 and features unexpurgated sexual vitality is good enough for me. Cookoff, about competitive cooking competitions in North America. No, really, its kinda cool. But, of course, I missed out on getting the best cooking book of all time at Barnes and Nobles. First Bruce Campbell, then Phil Keoghan, then Rachael Rayhow many more of my idols am I going to miss meeting in Boston? Speaking of cooking, another thing Ive done to put off studying is baking cookies! My friend and awesome pianist David graciously offered to present my Theme and Variations for me in 21M.302, so I baked him some cookies. However, I had to use Summers mixer to cream together the cookie dough, so I ended up making another batch for her and eating only like 20 cookies myself. Does anybody else think of this, the most conservative childrens book ever written? I used the amazing Alton Browns amazing chocolate chip cookie recipe, titled only The Chewy, which I recommend above all other recipes Ive heretofore encountered, even if it does require you to go out and find bread flour for its high gluten content. Anyhoo, heres some cookie pictures. Mmm, baking cookies. Though Im too cheap to spring for a cookie sheet, a baking sheet covered in aluminum foil is serviceable. Alicia 06 bakes equally chewy sugar cookies. Kendall 07 likes cookies even when she cant stand up straight. Cookie porn. Hope you werent hungry before reading this blog. If you were well, now you have Altons cookie recipe. As for the rest of the week well, its aptly explained by my away message: 12/17: thermo 12/18: transport 12/19: thermo/transport 12/20: thermo 12/21: transport 12/22: have epiphany And an obligatory quote appropriate to the end of term, epiphanies, Boston weather, and my general preparedness for finals: His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Concussions Is A Progressive Disease Of The Brain

â€Å"Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, or CTE, is a progressive disease of the brain found in athletes who have a history of repeated brain trauma†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Harris) CTE is closely associated with Alzheimer’s, another gradual, deteriorating brain disease that destroys the individual’s ability to remember, make decisions, and eventually takes away the ability for people to complete every day functions. Alzheimer’s is usually diagnosed around the age of 65 or older as a result of brain cell failure. (Alzheimer’s Association) CTE, on the other hand, affects individuals younger than 65. Generally, with CTE, people who are athletes are diagnosed around forty or fifty years of age. The athletes who are most affected with CTE, are those who have played†¦show more content†¦CTE is a problem arising among professional athletes dating back to the 1920’s. (Jay Barry Harris) Many of these athletes, mostly retired, have struggled in their later y ears with mental illnesses such as memory loss, depression, substance abuse, and suicide. (Saulle and Greenwald) Concussions are the most common occurrence in athletes with an estimated 1.6–3.8 million sport-related concussions reported annually in America (Daneshvar et el). Concussions are the main source of CTE, however this can be an underrepresentation of the true number because many athletes do not seek medical attention or vocalize their symptoms. Many athletes fail to report their symptoms because of their desire to continue playing. In a 2009 CTE review, it found that 46 out of 51 neuropathologically diagnosed cases of CTE occurred in athletes, which translates to 90% (Mckee et el). The NFL has not treated injured players properly. Depending on the severity of the concussions players should sit out for a given time. This could often mean sitting out for weeks or months. However, the â€Å"Concussion Watch Project† by Frontline stated that half of the players with a concussion return without missing a game. The American Academy of Neurology states that within the first ten days of the initial injury athletes are at greater risk to cause more damage or repeat the injury. Concussion Watch Project tracked 15 players with a head injury from preseason. Of those 15

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Reaction Paper on Personality Thoery - 1037 Words

If you were in this situation, how would you explain this mistake? Many of us might blame the slip on distraction or describe it as a simple accident. However, a psychoanalytic theorist might tell you that this is much more than a random accident. The psychoanalytic view holds that there are inner forces outside of your awareness that are directing your behavior. For example, a psychoanalyst might say that James misspoke due to unresolved feelings for his ex or perhaps because of misgivings about his new relationship. The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud. While his theories were considered shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a profound influence on a number of disciplines,†¦show more content†¦In many cases, the id s impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratification--the ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only in the appropriate time and place. The ego also discharges tension created by unmet impulses through the secondary process, in which the ego tries to find an object in the real world that matches the mental image created by the id s primary process. The Superego The last component of personality to develop is the superego. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and society--our sense of right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. According to Freud, the superego begins to emerge at around age five. There are two parts of the superego: 1. The ego ideal includes the rules and standards for good behaviors. These behaviors include those which are approved of by parental and other authority figures. Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and accomplishment. 2. The conscience includes information about things that are viewed as bad by parents and society. These behaviors are often forbidden and lead to bad consequences, punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse. The superego acts to perfect and civilize our behavior. It works to suppress all unacceptable urges of the idShow MoreRelatedMANAGEMENTOF PERCEIVED STRESSORS AMONG RADTECH INTERNS OF ST. JUDE COLLEGE YEAR 2009-2010 IN TWO HOSPITALS NAMELY PHILIPPINE ORTHOPEDIC CENTER AND ST. LUKE’S MEDICAL CENTER7382 Words   |  30 PagesRRT __________________________ Prof. JENERLITO CASAJE, RRT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Doing this research is not easy. We experienced difficulties doing the research paper, but despite the hard times, we finally did it. We take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to the following that helped in the completion of this paper. To Dra. Mary Ann Pasicatan-Aggrao, our professor, for her willingness and kindness in guiding us all throughout, and for teaching us all the steps and guidelines in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Warehousing in Supply Chain Free Essays

WAREHOUSING IN SUPPLY CHAIN Introduction Warehousing is one of the most important and critical logistic activities in industrial and service systems. A few production philosophies, e. g. We will write a custom essay sample on Warehousing in Supply Chain or any similar topic only for you Order Now just in time (JIT) and lean manufacturing, propose and support the so-called ‘‘zero stock’’ as basic and strategic pillar. Also manufacturing requirement planning (MRP), the well known and widely adopted ‘‘push-’’ based full? lment technique, theoretically guarantees no storage quantities when the ‘‘lot for lot’’ reorder policy is adopted. Nevertheless, these special production systems do not operate in absence of warehousing systems that support and smooth the discontinuity ? ow of materials, products and components, at the input and at the bottom of a generic production stage. Warehousing activities and storage systems are necessary! This is true in many industrial and not industrial sectors: from automotive to tile industry passing from food industry, health care production systems, service sectors (e. g. banks, universities, hospitals), etc. Obviously, warehousing is the core activity of logistic providers, usually specialized in distribution activities including storage and transportation issues. In special sectors, like the food industry and the health care supply chains, warehousing means storage systems in critical operating conditions, e. g. controlled temperature and/or humidity levels, by the management of fresh and perishable products. The storage systems signi? cantly affect the level of quality of products, the customer’s service level, and the global logistic cost. Just an example: the food industry. Warehousing and transportation issues signi? cantly affect the level of quality of foodstuffs at the consumer’s location, especially when production plants and ? nal points of demand (consumers’ locations) are far away and frequently located in different countries. The mission of warehousing is the same of the discipline ‘‘logistics’’: to effectively ship products in the right place, at the right time, and in the right quantity without any damages or alterations. Important keywords in warehousing and storage systems are: safety, quality, availability, cost saving, customer service level, traceability, picking, automation, ful? llment, travel time, etc. With increased globalization and offshore sourcing, global supply chain management is becoming an important issue for many businesses. Global supply chain management involves a company’s worldwide interests and suppliers rather than simply a local or national orientation. This is the operational arena of warehouses in most complex production systems. THE ROLES OF WAREHOUSE IN THE SUPPLY CHAIN Warehouse play vital roles in the supply chain. The warehouse is not only a facility where a company can store their products, but the warehouse offers inventory management, physical inventory counts and shipping functionality. The warehouse charges their clients for a certain rate for the goods stored, the volume of the warehouse used and the services the client wishes to use. The company using the warehouse does not have to employ warehouse staff, does not require any inventory software or warehouse equipment. The owner of the warehouse is responsible for the costs and passes this on to their clients based on the rate they are charged. The warehousing functionality today is much more than the traditional function of storage. The main function that warehousing serves today are hold raw material at or near the point of induction into a manufacturing or assembly process. The work-in-process warehouses hold partially completed assemblies and products at various points along an assembly or production line. Besides, the finished goods warehouse hold inventory used to balance and buffer the variation between production and schedules and demand. For this purpose, the warehouse is usually located near the point of manufacture and is often characterized by the flow of full pallets in and full pallets out, assuming that product size and volume warrant pallet-sized loads. A warehouse serving only this function may have demands ranging from monthly to quarterly replenishment of stock to the next level of distribution. Edward Frazelle. (2001) claims that distribution warehouses and distribution centers accumulate and consolidate products from various points of manufacture within a single firm, or from several firms, for combined shipment to common customers. Such as warehouse may be located central to either the production locations or the customer base. Product movement may be typified by full pallets or cases or broken case quantities out. The facility is typically responding to regular weekly or monthly orders. Warehouse also receive, pick, and ship small orders for individual consumers. As a fulfillment warehouse and fulfillment centers. The local warehouse, distributed in the field in order to shorten transportation distances to permit rapid response to customer demand. Frequently, single items are picked, and the same item may be shipped to the customer every day. The value –added service warehouse serve as the facility where key product customization activities are executed, including packaging, labeling, marking, pricing and returns processing. According to Edward Frazelle. (2001) the figure below illustrates warehouse performing these functions in a logistics network. Unfortunately, in many of today’s networks, a single item will pass in and out of warehouse serving each of these functions between the point of manufacturer and the customer. When feasible, two or more missions should be combined in the same warehousing operation, and handling steps in the chain should be minimized. Current changes in the availability and cost of transportation options make combining activities in a single location and link skipping possible for many products. In particular, small high-value items with unpredictable demand are frequently shipped worldwide froma single source using overnight delivery services. Figure : the roles of a warehouse in logistics and supply chain management. Cliff Otto (2010) is of the opinion that Cross-docking as manufacturers seek ways to move products more efficiently and cost-effectively, many are ediscovering cross-docking—moving product directly from receiving to shipping with little or no inventory and minimal handling. The process is resurfacing as a way to take costs out of the supply chain, accelerate inventory velocity, and improve service levels. While historically used for durable goods, high turn rates and reduced handling make cross-docking an effective solution for everything from perishable products to high-value/high-security g oods. The process helps get product to market quickly and economically while reducing the need for warehouse space and inventory carry costs. In simple words, warehouses are used by manufacturers,  exporters, wholesalers, retailers,  transport businesses, customs (exporters, Importers), etc. They are usually large plain buildings, equipped with loading docks to load and unload consignment from trucks. Based upon the size of the goods and volume of operation they also often have cranes and forklifts for moving goods, which are usually placed on ISO standard pallets. Warehouse is a facility where the supply chain holds or stores goods, until they are needed by the customers. Warehouse can be owned by manufactures, wholesalers, retailers to store the goods. In my opinion, the role of warehousing and storage has changed drastically as customer and vendor compliance issues have come to surface and a greater emphasis has been placed on operations and customer satisfaction. There are more demands and expectations in today’s industry. The management of warehousing operations requires a unique combination of engineering, IT, human resources and supply chain skills. Motorsense offers an integrated warehouse solution that incorporates all the above to give a cost effective solution with the added benefit of stock reworking, returns management, sub-assembly and repackaging. REFERENCES 1. Manzini, Riccardo. (2012) Warehousing in the Global Supply Chain. Bologna: Springer 2. Martin Murray. Public Warehousing In The Supply Chain. About. com Guide 3. Edward Frazelle. (2001) World-Class Warehousing and Material Handling. McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech 4. Radhakrishnan. (2010) Logistics – Warehouse Management (Part I). 5. David K. Ecklund. (2010) Warehousing Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Supply Chain Process. Supply Chain Management Review 6. G Raghuram. Warehousing to Supply Chain Management -Complementary or Supplementary. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad How to cite Warehousing in Supply Chain, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Financial Management of Wesfarmers-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Financial Management of Wesfarmers. Answer: Introduction The main aim of this report is to analyze and evacuate different factors related to the industry of Wesfarmers. The report also aims to analyze and value different kinds of strategies of Wesfarmers. Wesfarmers is one of the major conglomerates of Australia and the company operates in the retail industry of Australia ( 2018). This report analyzes the major strategies of Wesfarners. Industry Overview The Australian retain industry is one of the largest industries contributing largely towards the development of Australian economy. Economic and social development of Australia is well supporting the continuous growth of the Australian retain industry. Apart from this, rising population and increased purchasing power of the customers is also providing boost to the Australian retain industry. In the recent year, the Australian retail industry registered $169 billion as a total revenue; and the annual growth of this industry from 2013 to 2018 is 0.7% ( 2018). Australian retail industry is a major source of employment in this country as 705,302 numbers of Australians are currently employed in this industry. Economic Environment Some major economic factors have major negative influence on the business growth of Wesfarmers; they are rate of interest, exchange rate, rate of inflation and others. In addition, the slow growth rate of this industry is another major hindrance for the growth of Wesfarmers. Apart from this, different government policies like Competition and Consumer Act 2010, Australian Consumer Law, Commerce (Trade Description) Legislation and others have influence on the business operations of Wesfarmers ( 2018). Moreover, the wage rate of Australian retain market is higher when compared to the global market and it negatively affects the business of Wesfarmers. Competitive Environment It needs to be mentioned that Wesfarmers operates in a very competitive industry where there is the exeiancer of some major competitors of the company; they are Woolworths. Metcash Limited, Cantex Australia Limited, ALDI and others. In the presence of this intense competition, Wes fames become forced to lower the price of their products and this aspect affects the profitability of the company. Moreover, the long-term growth and long-term profitability of Wesfarmers gets affected in the presence of this intense competition (Kotler 2015). Influence of Industry Structure on Financial Management It needs to be mentioned that the industry structure of Wesfarmers has influence on the financial management of Wesfarmers. The business organizations under retain industry structure of Australia have to incur huge amount of expenses and there is an increasing trend in this expenses. For this reason, Wesfarmers needs to employee effective financial strategies for the management of expenses. Apart from this, Wesfarmers has to incur different kinds of costs for their business like direct cost, administrative cost and others. Thus, the adoption of correct cost cutting system is required to be implemented as a part of financial management. Apart from this, the industry structure has also influence on other aspects of financial management (Brigham and Ehrhardt 2013). Threat and Opportunities The presence of some major opportunities can be seen for the business of Wesfarmers. Considering the worldwide growth of retail market, Wesfarmers has the opportunity expand their business outside Australia. In addition, there is a large opportunity for Wesfarmers to register effective growth in the online segment. Moreover, the company can diversify their business into new segments and products. In this case, excessive competition from the existing competitors is creating major a major threat for the company. Another major threat is the effect of world economic downturn that leads to the decreased confidence and purchasing power of the customers. The offering of specialized products by the competitors is also posing threat for the business of Wesfarmers (Yuan 2013). Drivers of Income, Cost and Profit There are some major drivers of income, cost and profit in Wesfarmers and they are called as Growth Enablers. The first driver is the presence of outstanding people as the company always involves in attracting and utilizing outstanding people for the growth of the company. The implementation of strong financial discipline in the financial decision making process is another driver. As per Wesfarmers, an empowering culture can lead the company towards financial excellence and thus, it is another driver. Innovation is considered as the next driver for the financial success of Wesfarmers as innovative culture helps in fostering financial stability. Wesfarmers always try to maintain a strong balance sheet that is a major driver for financial success ( 2018). Key Risks At the time of conducting the business operations, Wesfarmers has to face with some major financial risks. The key risks of Wesfarmers are liquidity risk, market risk and credit risk. Wesfarmers has divided market risk in three major parts; they are foreign currency risk, interest rate risk and commodity price risk. As all of these risks are key risks, the management of Wesfarmers is required to develop strategies for minimizing them ( 2018). Financial Management Strategy for Risk Mitigation It can be observed that Wesfarmers has developed a major framework for the mitigation of the above-mentioned risks. The management of Wesfarmers has established divisional structure, reporting line, appropriate authorities and responsibilities for the guidelines and limits on business expenditures, capital expenditures, investment and others. There has been development of operating cycle and divisional reporting requirements. Wesfarmers has also developed the strategy of annual budgeting and monthly reporting system for the purse of performance monitoring. There has been an implementation of appropriate due diligence for acquisition and divestments. Most importantly, Wesfarmers has also implemented the strategy of crisis management for their key businesses. There has been also implementation of internal assurance programs ( 2018). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be seen that he major economic factors have major impact on the business of Wesfarmers like interest rate, inflation rate and others. The retail industry of Australia provides opportunities as well as threats to Wesfarmers. From the above discussion, it can be seen that Wesfarmers has developed a major risk management framework for mitigating the major risks like interest risk, market risk, currency risk and others. References (2018).8501.0 - Retail Trade, Australia, Feb 2018. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013.Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. (2017).Retail wholesale trade industry fact sheet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Group, D. (2018).The Wesfarmers Way. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Group, D. (2018).Who we are. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Kotler, P., 2015.Framework for marketing management. Pearson Education India. (2018).Risk management framework. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. (2018).2017 Annual Report. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2018]. Yuan, H., 2013. A SWOT analysis of successful construction waste management.Journal of Cleaner Production,39, pp.1-8.